Santa’s laundry fridge magnet

Greetings with a difference

washing line with felt clothing
Santa’s washing line

and they don’t come much more different than this one! Your seasonal wishes will certainly stand out with this cute (ouch!) washing line full of Santa’s smalls – and larges too! These will be custom made as and when they are requested, but that shouldn’t affect the delivery times so within a couple of days they should be slipped into the mail and whizzing off to you.

After a terrible mix up

with car hire and times and commitments, we managed to get over to Ikea yesterday morning before the rush started – a miracle in itself considering it was Friday! I think hubby sold our car to keep me out of the place – we own a motorbike now and his biggest thrill is telling me that things won’t fit into the panniers, though I think he would be quite amazed at what I could ram into those bags given half a chance! But right now daughter is trying to sort out some furnishings and odds and ends, so he made an exception to his ban on the store, and resigned himself to losing a day’s sanity by following us meekly around whilst we closely inspected saucepans, laundry baskets and bed linen! Needless to say, both women came away with a satisfying pile of inane, and generally useless, paraphernalia, and our heads absolutely buzzing with crafting ideas!