Cambio di stagione
And this morning’s rant is all about these very small Italian homes which require that between seasons we have to do the so-called ‘cambio di stagione’… change of season. All the summer stuff gets put away in boxes or unreachable areas in/under/over the very tall wardrobes, to be substituted with the winter clothing or vice versa. Which in theory doesn’t sound like a problem but which in practice is a real pain in the proverbial. We never seem to all finish with all our summer clothing at exactly the same moment, which means there is this fastidious half way moment when there are summer and winter clothes on the go between the wearing of them, the washing of them, and if I am foolish enough, the ironing of them. A moment when the wardrobe, chest of drawers and all available surfaces around the home seem to be jam packed with both seasons waiting to be moved in one direction or the other. And today was the day I tried to put some order in the chaos and make the summer clothes (and those who wear them) understand that they could no longer foul up the system and had to come to some decisions about where they wanted what to be. Took some doing, but I am beginning to see the way ahead … and better still, the table and the settee. I might even be able to plan a little writing time now and again if all goes well …